Hormonal Affinities
Ongoing Performance Piece, started on my 29th birthday, 02/02/24
Responding to the isolated pain of possibly injecting myself up till my own infinity, I decided to invite my loved ones to take shots of me as I take my estrogen shots. On the days that I must do so alone, I do it for the camera. The days that I record respond to the time within the photographic project, and not to real-time (e.g. Day 6 is 2/27/24, Day 7 is actually 3/3/24).
Day 6, documented by naomi nadreau, studio, VI The Lovers
Day 8, documented by Nikki Vangelisti, Nikki’s apartment, 6 of Swords
Day 13, documented by emily yang, san diego home, 2 of Swords
Day 21, documented by nataly rojo, san diego home, Knight of Pentacles
Day 27, documented by myself, san diego home, Page of Swords
Day 30, documented by myself, san diego home, Queen of Swords